I've finished the first pass of the LTM descriptor for ...

I’ve finished the first pass of the LTM descriptor for LTC. I haven’t tried compiling it though but it’s fairly simple. First thing tommorow I’m going to start making some globals for the math descriptors then start with the ASN code. After that it’s RSA, DSA then ECC. Tons of documentation ahead but at least one battle is done. I may ship LTC 1.06 with only a descriptor for LTM depending on time. A TFM one shouldn’t be that hard after all is said and done. UPDATE I have ported the majority of the RSA code to the new math api. Actually I’m cheating and making LTM macros that map to the new math descriptors. The math descriptors are a bit messy so I’ll spend time before release cleaning it up. Essentially a “math descriptor” has pointers to about 50 functions which is a bit overwelming at first but they’re all very simple.